
The rose is a type of flowering shrub. Its name comes from the Latin word Rosa. The flowers of the rose grow in many different colors, from the well-known red rose or yellow roses and sometimes white or purple roses. Roses belong to the family of plants called Rosacea. All roses were originally wild and they come from several parts of the world, North America, Europe, northwest Africa, and many parts of Asia and Oceania. There are over 100 different species of roses. The wild rose species can be grown in gardens, but most garden roses are cultivars, which have been chosen by people.

Over hundreds of years they have been specially bred to produce a wide variety of growing habits and a broad range of colors from dark red to white including as well yellow and a bluish/lilac color. Many roses have a strong, pleasant scent. Most roses have prickles (incorrectly called thorns) on their stems. Rose bushes are able to tolerate a wide variety of growing conditions. The fruit of the rose is called a hip. Some roses have decorative hips.

The flower of the rose plant can be of different sizes. It may be as small as 1/2 inch across to a diameter of almost 7 inches. Also, roses can be used for a good scent. The scent of the rose comes from tiny perfume glands on the petals, which can be seen through a powerful microscope. Sometimes rose petals are dried and packed so that you can use them for decoration or for scent.

Roses can be seen very much in gardens. Sometimes they can be in vineyards as well. In a big vineyard, a bush of roses is planted at the end of each row of vines. As long as the roses stay healthy, the vine-growers can see that their vines are healthy as well.

Different color roses have different meanings.

  1. Red – A red rose is an expression of love. Red roses usually show deep feelings, like love, longing, or desire. Red roses can also be used to show respect, admiration, or devotion. A deep red rose can be used to show regret and sorrow. The number of red roses given has a special meaning as well. 12 red roses are the most popular number to give; it means "Be mine" and "I love you".
  2. Pink – There are a lot of variations of the pink rose. Usually, pink roses are used to express gentle emotions such as admiration, joy, gratitude, and deep or endless love.
  3. Dark pink – Deep pink rose blooms may mean deep gratitude and appreciation. Dark pink roses also express elegance and grace.
  4. Light pink – Light pink rose blooms are symbols of pleasantness and innocence.
  5. White – White is the color of purity, innocence, and sacred love. It represents the love that is eternal and endures beyond death. White roses usually may symbolize a new start, and it is a custom for brides to hold them when she walks down the aisle at her wedding. In certain faiths, the white rose can represent the sanctity of marriage. White roses can be used to show sympathy or humility. They also may be about spiritual things.
  6. Yellow – Yellow roses are usually used as an expression of exuberance. Yellow roses show sunny feelings of joy, warmth, and sometimes welcome. They are symbols of friendship and caring. The yellow rose, unlike some of the other roses, does not mean or express any romance.
  7. Orange – Orange roses remind most people of a fiery blaze. These fiery blooms are symbols of passion and energy. Orange roses can be used to show desire and pride.

  1. Burgundy – The color of burgundy is a symbol of beauty.
  2. Green – Green roses (these are sometimes white roses with shades of green) can symbolize best wishes, luck, and blessings for a good life or recovery of good health.
  3. Blue – Blue roses cannot be found in nature and so they represent the unattainable or the mysterious. Blue roses, therefore, show the desire for the goals you cannot reach. They may sometimes mean "I can't have you but I can't stop thinking about you".
  4. Black – Black is the color of death and farewell. A black roses show the death of a feeling or idea. Sending black roses to someone indicates the death of the relationship, or sometimes it may be used in burials.
  5. Violet and Purple – A violet or purple rose may show protection, and also a sense of majesty, royalty and splendor these roses are used to show adoration.
         Lavender – A lavender rose, like its color, shows enchantment. It also expresses "love at first sight".